Friday, August 27, 2010

Third Year

Well here I am.  I am sitting in my room at my parents house.  Jasper, the infamous grey cat is resting coyly at the end of the bed and I can hear the dogs pacing outside my door, anxious to go on a hike in the Marin hills.  I'm drinking a morning cup of coffee, which is a new thing for me (I've always been a tea person), and I'm thinking about the upcoming year of school.  You know it sort of makes me feel like Harry Potter.  Think about it, every Harry Potter book begins with Harry looking forward to the coming year of school.  There's that excited anticipation.  The wondering, what will happen?  What will I learn?  Who will I be on the other side of this year?  

Now for Harry Potter that year always meant he might get killed, or he might lose the war between the dark forces in the world, but always it meant he was one step closer to his future and his calling.  So you see, I am sort of like Harry Potter. 

This year will be challenging in ways that the previous two years of school could not even touch.  This year, I'm expected to start thinking and acting like a doctor.  Previously, I've enjoyed doing this.  However, the main difference is that there was no expectation.  I was playing at it.  Trying it on.  Wearing clothes that were a little too big for me but somehow, passing it off.  Now, the clothes are intended to fit.  Is that why doctors puff out their chests?  

This Fall I have 28.6 units.  A friend of mine once intelligently pointed out, "but that's impossible."  Exactly.  Vet school asks the impossible of you every day.  It asks you to walk in a giant's footsteps and learn how to do a physical exam on a dog and then with your next step, anesthetize it.  

I am very anxious about this year.  I am worried that I won't be able to handle it.  I am afraid that I will fail.  So how do I step into this year with confidence?  Well, like Harry Potter, I've got awesome friends at school.  They help me through the tough classes, they support me through my doubts and discouragement.  They watch my back.  I am also blessed with some great mentors at the school.  People who can see my potential and encourage me on.  But most importantly, like Harry Potter, I have a call upon my life.  A brand, a mark, a being set apart.  

I'm sure I will have more thoughts on this year before it gets rolling.  So stay tuned for wonderful moments of excitement and sheer terror.