Sunday, December 30, 2012

Priorities and Treasure

Matthew 6:21 says, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

I heard a great sermon out here in North Carolina and it was talking about priorities. What is important to you in your life? What do you find occupies your time? Your thoughts? Your. . . wallet?

Now I must say, . . . I love shopping.  Especially for shoes. If you take a quick look back over your shoulder, you will see that I was never that girl. For 28 years of my life, I was not that girl. Ask anyone who knows me. Then one day, it happened.  It was like I found a rusted over key under a rock in the garden and that key unlocked the magical world of my style. 

Well like all legitimate magical worlds, this world has a unique monster.  Its made up of many parts, an arm of vanity, a leg of thrill, even a nose of covetousness.  Anytime you enter the magical world, you risk running into the monster.

Cut to Christmas. This Christmas I bought Jasper a bed.  Now Jasper. . . . . .


. . . . obviously doesn't NEED a bed.  She can sleep on any bed in the house, the couches, the window seat, she even takes up Poppy's bed most of the time.  The thing is, I love Jasper and most importantly, the beds were 50% off! 

Within approximately 1 minute and 22 seconds of placing the new bed on top of my bed, Jasper was in it, curled up, content.  It was obvious to her, whom this bed was for.

For Christmas my brother Jon came for a visit!!!! It was completely awesome. We took a great hike at Umstead Park. . . .

This picture makes Poppy look blind, but don't worry, she's just blinking

. . . .we watched movies. . . .

At least I was watching the movie

 . . . .and finally we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer. So we went to bed.

I had put Jasper's new bed on the floor and while I sat in bed reading Charles Spurgeon's thoughts on this Christmas night, . . . this happened.  Furthermore, she would not be moved.  Even when it was very apparent that the bed was not her ideal size.

Not Ideal

Now during the pre-Christmas shopping extravaganza . . . its possible that I went into a shoe store.  BIG MISTAKE.  I bought the prettiest pair of heels.  Really, they were so sweet, but even on sale they were ~$55. 

Today, I returned my beautiful pair of heels.  I slew the monster once again.  A small piece of my heart broke.  Actually it was more of a bruise.  A small bruise.  Well whatever it was, it was fixed almost instantly because I know what my priorities are.  I know where my heart is and that's where I put my treasure. . . and my shoe money.

My Heart

. . . . . .

You can't please everyone I guess