Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mom Comes for a Visit

The last month has been spent with severe mixed emotions. With each passing day my expectations of my mom's visit grew exponentially. At the same time, before that visit could take place, I had to face my house officer seminar.

The day of my house officer seminar arrived. Standing in the bathroom, I attempted to bring order out of the chaos that is my hair, all the while going over my presentation in my head. It felt solid, but there was something missing. . . a killer opening line. Whenever I speak in front of people, it is my ambition to gain the crowd from the outset by making them laugh. All the better if I can set them off-balance. Then, it came to me.

I stood in front of the crowd, following my introduction, and I considered the possible adverse affects of what I was about to say. I decided to take the risk.

"Before I begin, . . . I would like to make a disclaimer. . . ." People looked confused.
"My dad, is a minister. . . ." People suddenly looked confused AND nervous.
"He taught me everything I know about public speaking. . . ." More confusion.
"So what I'm saying is, if at some point during this talk, I give an altar call . . . or ask you if you have your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. . . just bear with me and I'm sure I'll move right on to the pathology."

Well from that point on, they were putty in my hands. The seminar went well and now I only had my mom's arrival to look forward to.

Our time together was incredible! We spent our first three days either driving to, from or through the mountains. It was beautiful! We stayed in a place called Blowing Rock.

The rock formations that give the town its name

Our first afternoon in Blowing Rock
The view!

We struck out early the following morning on the Glen Burney Trail! This trail starts right in the town of Blowing Rock and drops over 600 feet, following a beautiful stream with multitudes of waterfalls.

Mom, the ever intrepid explorer!
 Mom was visiting just when Fall colors were at their peak!


Part of the Blue Ridge Parkway
 Our hike finished, we grabbed a hot Reuben sandwich and a cup of tea and headed off to drive a section of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

We weren't that hungry at dinner time but we couldn't beat the view from the Canyon restaurant!
Our next day we decided to get a different type of view of the mountains, . . as only the Riley women can aboard a 4 legged tour guide! When I walked into a small, bare room with a pot-bellied stove and 5 rough looking men with dip in their lips, I thought, "holy smokes. This is it. We might die up in the mountains"

No WAY! It was awesome!!!

Aboard our faithful steads; Black Jack and mom's horse (I can't remember his name)

Well, we had to leave the mountains :( But! We brought a piece of it back with us!

Our fun wasn't over. We had one more day to play! So after a great service at The Summit Church and brunch at our favorite local restaurant Mimi's Cafe, we headed over to the State Fair.


The fair was chock full of characters . . . . 

 You've never seen so much produce in one place and so HUGE!

There is one thing you must do when you are at the North Carolina State Fair. . . and that is eat something that normally would and should make you completely ashamed. . . such as, fried Oreos. That's right folks.

These ridiculously overly indulgent items proved to be remarkably delicious!

Both mom and I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety as we said goodnight, knowing that I would pick her up in the morning, we would have a quick breakfast and then we would be saying goodbye.

I went to bed depressed and feeling a greater sense of loneliness than I have felt since I moved to NC. While the new day brought the reality of mom leaving, it also brought the reminder that God's mercies are new each day.  I said goodbye to mom and we both took joy in the fact that we are so fortunate to love each other the way we do.

AND! I will be seeing her and all my loved ones soon when I come home for Thanksgiving! Now that's something to REALLY get excited about!

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