Monday, January 31, 2011


    I was going to tell you about winter quarter thus far; How classes are going, what I'm taking and if I'm coping.  But honestly, I just want to tell you about a new and extremely important discovery I've made recently.  The topic friends is underwear.  
    No I did not just discover that underwear exists.  No I did not just realize how you were supposed to put underwear on.  Give my mother some credit people.  No, the discovery I have made is that, write this down, .  .  . with underwear, there should never, .  .  . EVER,  .  .  . be compromise. 
     Let it sink in for a moment. 
     That's right, ruminate over it.
     Never, EVER compromise.
     If I could ask every single person who reads this blog, I am supremely confident that each and every one of you would have to admit that they have a pair of underwear in their drawer (possible more than one) that they really don't like.  CONFESS!
     Its the pair that is there, staring at you when you haven't done laundry and there is nowhere else to turn.  Yours may mock you, or it may feel sad that it is the unloved pair of underwear, but nevertheless, its actions are the same.
     For some of you it rides up and gives you a wedgie.
     For others it slides downward, the elastic just never enough!
     Maybe the tag has always been scratchy.
     It shrank early on in your relationship!
     The material never softened!
     For whatever reason, you hate it.  Admit it openly now that you D-E-S-P-I-S-E that piece of underwear.
    I'm here to tell you today friends that no one, no one who has any means whatsoever, should ever subject themselves to anything short of a fantastic underwear experience.  So I challenge you, find the underwear that works BEST for you.  If you don't love it, chuck it.  Because life is hard enough, without bad underwear.  That's what I've learned.  Underwear.  Never compromise.


  1. You are starting to crack, my friend. And no, I am not making reference to the crack in which those unloved underwear gravitate towards. Ok, I confess.

  2. Funny and true Becky! Underwear, (good underware that is) is essential!
    I had an experience several months ago with underware that had been put on inside-out. I discovered this distressing reality in the bathroom at school just before my chem class one morning. Can I tell you how DIFFICULT it was to focus in class that day!?! I wasn't really uncomfortable (physically)... just extremely distracted! (Well AND I kept laughing - out loud - and I was sure my class mates thought I was nuts!)
    I regained my composure and my ability to think straight once I ran home in between class to put on a new pair... the RIGHT way!
    And in the words of another who has also suffered through underwear trials... "Nothin' goes right when your underwear's tight"!

  3. Oh, the things I learn from you and your mom!
